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The Importance of an Annual Wellness Exam for Your Pet

By February 27, 2022 April 4th, 2022 No Comments
Vet listening to cat's heart

As a responsible and caring pet owner, you should know that it’s important for your companion to be seen by medical professionals on a regular basis. Routine checkups are the foundation of your pet’s health and wellbeing. Your veterinarian can catch ailments in their initial stages, making it easier to treat and heal your pet, as well as make any lifestyle change recommendations. 

Why An Annual Exam is Important

Because your pet is unable to vocalize their feelings, regular physical health examinations by your veterinarian are essential. Regular wellness exams allow your veterinarian to evaluate your pet’s general health while monitoring for any problems that could lead to more serious illnesses if left unaddressed. 

For senior pets, these examinations should occur more often. Animals’ bodies begin to change at around ten years old, and veterinary visits every six months allow us to prevent, monitor, and treat illnesses that come with age. On the opposite end, it is important to bring your kitten or puppy in more frequently when they’re under one year of age to ensure they are growing properly and adhere to their vaccination schedule.

What to Expect During An Exam

If this is the first time you will be bringing your pet in for an examination, it’s natural to wonder what exactly is involved. Your doctor at Sierra Veterinary Hospital will begin by talking with you about your pet, learning details about their age, activity level, behavior, diet, exercise, environment, and any health concerns you may have. 

Your veterinarian will then examine your pet’s ears, eyes, mouth, listen to heart/lungs, check reproductive organs, examine skin, and everything else that comprises a thorough head-to-toe physical examination. Your doctor will also help you keep track of all preventative measures you should be taking such as vaccinations, flea/tick, heartworm, and intestinal parasite treatments. 

Your veterinarian will then order any necessary lab tests and inform you of the results when available. Your doctor may advise increased daily activities or a change of diet if warranted. Remember that the doctors and staff at Sierra Veterinary Hospital want to ensure the health of your furry friend, so they will do everything they can to keep them relaxed and safe during their exam. 

The Cost of An Annual Exam

If you’re concerned about the cost of an annual physical exam, don’t fret. Most office visits are an affordable option once a year. Additional costs can be added as necessary, such as vaccines, heartworm tests, and fecal exams. These tests are only ordered when our doctors feel they are necessary, and only with your prior consent. Remember they have the best in mind for you and your pet at all times. 

These prices are nothing to be frightened about, especially since they’re only once per year. If the costs are a hardship for you, alternative payment arrangements such as Scratchpay and CareCredit are available.

Annual physical exams are something every pet parent should make a habit of to keep your furry friends healthy. The doctors and staff at Sierra Veterinary Hospital promise that we will do everything we can to give your pet a proper and thorough wellness exam once every year and you can leave knowing you did your part as a responsible pet owner. If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s annual exam, or to schedule an appointment, call Sierra Veterinary Hospital today!