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Almost any pet can benefit from cold laser therapy

By October 11, 2012 August 26th, 2020 No Comments

Laser therapy is a non-invasive way to speed healing in your companion for both chronic and acute conditions. This treatment has been used in people for the past 40 years to speed injury recovery. Now it is available for animals, using the same quality grade of equipment (Class 4).

Cold laser therapy is a way to decrease inflammation, reduce pain, stimulate nerve regeneration, and stimulate circulation without using medication or surgery. It also can be used in conjunction with other modalities. The treatment works by using light to penetrate into the deep tissues. It only works on tissue that has been damaged. The light triggers the production of energy in the cells, helping them to repair and heal. The procedure takes only minutes, and can be a pivotal way to help your pet return to normal activity rapidly.

Cold laser can be used for chronic conditions such as arthritis/degenerative joint disease, otitis, gingivitis, cystitis, intervertebral disc disease, dermatitis/allergies, and more. It can also be utilized to stimulate healing for recent conditions such as wounds, strains, or to stimulate healing post surgically. During the treatment, endorphins and other positive chemicals are released in the body, so your pet will feel good; similar to how you feel after a massage.

The treatment time, and the number of sessions needed will depend on the specifics for your dog or cat. With recent trauma, 1-2 times may be enough. For ongoing health issues, a series of sessions will most likely be recommended. In most patients, the pet owner/care giver can and is encouraged to be present for the therapy. These treatments are done with in most cases without sedation.

Cold laser should not be used in some patients. Any dog or cat that has been diagnosed with cancer shouldn’t receive these treatments as it stimulates blood flow and encourages blood vessel development. This therapy also shouldn’t be used in an animal that is pregnant.

Care must be taken to protect the patient’s eyes, and all people that are present in the room when laser therapy is in use must wear protective eye gear. Ask your veterinarian if cold laser therapy could be helpful for your cherished companion. Sierra Veterinary Clinic has recently purchased The Companion Therapy Laser system, and we have already had several success stories.

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